Submitted by Candace Gravelle

 Name                   County            	Twp             	Page
Abram Ashley Abbeville Saluda 085
Barret Ashley Barnwell no twp 332
Charles Ashley Barnwell no twp 358
Columbia J. Ashley Anderson Western 192
Edward Ashley Anderson Eastern 258
Elinezer Ashley Anderson Eastern 258
Ezekiel Ashell ** Abbeville Savannah 028
Foliver Ashley Barnwell no twp 368
Frances Ashley Anderson Eastern 270
Gaines Askley ** Barnwell no twp 351
Jackson Ashley Anderson Eastern 263
John Ashley Anderson Eastern 263(253?)
John Ashley Anderson Eastern 269
John Ashley Abbeville Savannah 056
John Ashley Sr. Anderson Eastern 258
Jordan Ashley York York Dist. 187
Joseph Ashley Barnwell no twp 391
Joshua Ashley Anderson Eastern 257
Joshua Ashley Barnwell no twp 368
Lucy Ashely Barnwell no twp 390
Mary Ashley Charleston St Phil 088
Mary Ashley Charleston St Phil 088
Moses Ashley Abbeville Saluda 084
Moses Ashley Jr. Abbeville Saluda 084
Moses Ashley Sr. Abbeville Saluda 084
Nancy Ashley Anderson Eastern 258
Nathaniel Ashley Barnwell no twp 368
Perry Ashley Union no twp 110
Richard Ashley Abbeville Savannah 055
Roberson Ashley Abbeville Saluda 085
Sayfayette Ashley Barnwell no twp 360
Sarah Ashly Abbeville Saluda 083
Simeon Ashin ** Union no twp 037
William Ashley Abbeville Saluda 087
Willson Ashley Anderson Eastern 256
William Ausley ** Abbeville Saluca (?) 106

* One could look at a few other possible variations in spelling, to consider typos, transcription errors, etc. in this index for other possible Ashley families in focused counties of interest.
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