Joseph Martin Perry Jackson Prince
ancestor of Glenda Mounger

Joseph Martin Perry Jackson Prince, Sus 1896-1987, Susannah Chumley,
s/o Joseph M. Prince 1866, NC
ancestor of Glenda Mounger

Simon Prince Family from book "Samuel Sutser: Pioneer Families of Gadsden Co. AL" by Mildred S. Wright mentioned on bible page of Reuben Prince

Thomas Hill and Elmetha Prince, S/O Smith Prince, 1st cousin to Simon Prince, GGrandfather of C. R. Layton

Sarah Prince McCollum, D/o John H. and Ellander Prince, 3x great aunt of Paul Vance

Robert A.Prince, 1848,TN & Mayoma, S/o Simieon 1812 SC. GGGrandparents of Amanda Prince

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